Photography is the photographer’s best friend. When it’s working, and you have evocative images to design with, the project takes off in ways you hadn’t initially planned. The Backdrop was a knock-off of Taylor Swift’s Era’s Tour poster. It produced images that were then put into a Social Media promotion using still photos, video effects, and music. The theme is repeated on the event Tickets and online store merchandise. This is a good example of the camera creating imagery that becomes content for print, web, and video.
Merchandise Spinoffs from the BBS Eras Campaign
Brenda’s Body Shop 2018 Recital Backdrop | Shot at the Rock Maze
Mannequins | Shot in a Downtown Oakland attic storeroom. So you might call them local talent.
Portraits of dance students at Brenda's Body Shop, used for stage backdrop (see full image on the Display & Exhibit page)
Luke Alexander was playing at Moonshadow when these images were captured. His style conjured an “Elvis” moment for me and it seemed like black & white would amplify that.
I met Casey Eichfeld prior to the Canoe/Kayak Worlds event in 2014 and had several chances to photograph him practicing, in his natural habitat (a canoe), in the months prior to The Worlds. But later, in 2015, we did a couple of impromptu photo sessions one weekend in hopes of producing some images that might be used to secure sponsorship for the 2016 Olympics. He was already a two-time Olympian (2008 & 2012) and had his sights set on Rio. I so admired his athleticism and tireless dedication to fitness and sport (and really wanted to capture that) but what appeared so profoundly through the lens, was his pure heart. No doubt, it was the glow of his ever-present positivity that stole the show and I was in the right place at the right time. My only contribution was a couple of wrinkled dress shirts and some marginally funny jokes. Sounds pretty corny, but I think his Olympian "spirit" was guiding that day, even when it rained. It was an experience that struck me as very meaningful... beauty isn't always skin deep.
We've had a book project "haunting" us for several years that, frankly, may not ever materialize. It’s a short illustrator’s memoir recounting the covers Mark has done for Stephen King’s books. The intro requires a photo of Mark so one dreary, February day we took some chilly shots in the beautiful, old cemetery in Oakland. Mark has had a long and fruitful relationship with Simon & Schuster and the Stephan King covers have been some of the most intriguing undertakings. Working with writers is generally interesting, but Stephen King cornered the market on unique long ago. This could serve as a teaser for any King fans who might be listening. BTW, no Photoshop or mysticism was involved in the levitation shot... he just jumped.
What can I say... a lovely hostess and always dressed for cocktails.
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