Sometimes there just isn't a font that will do the trick. There are piles and piles of fonts available these days so having something truly unique requires a little hand tooling. That's where I can help. Hand drawn and customized fonts can lend a little something extra when you need it. Whether type resembles chalk, block printing or even honey, going that extra mile can communicate an idea in a special way.
It's also possible to create fonts you can use from your own computer. The example REST IN PIECES, is a full font design with special characters. If you have several titles to create and want a consistent look, it's a great way to go.
Type inversions are a fascinating type illusion that can be created. They require a certain amount of flexibility and a balanced number of characters. The example shown here is the name Lawrence Sullivan that reads right side up and upside down. They are generally more decorative than an easy read. A little imagination is required.